What Janus Represents

Janus is a distinctive deity in Roman mythology. He is the god associated with beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, and endings, uniquely represented with two faces that symbolize looking into both the future and the past. As a significant figure in Roman religion, Janus was integral to the Roman pantheon. He was associated with the start and end of conflicts, thus linking him to the concepts of war and peace.

Inspired by this roman heritage, Janus Marine and Defense skillfully blends historical lessons with modern innovation. The company takes a page from its namesake’s book, utilizing past experiences and technological milestones to forge new paths in defense technology and strategy.  Janus Marine and Defense strikes a balance between reverence for historical wisdom and a keen eye on future developments, positioning them as a pivotal player in the evolving landscape of national defense.

Our Mission

At Janus Marine and Defense, we aim to lead the maritime defense sector by providing specialized operational support for Uncrewed Vehicles (UxV) and integrated logistics solutions. Guided by core values of honesty, integrity, decisiveness, and a commitment to delivering solutions, we meet the complex needs of our defense customers with innovative, reliable, and successful products.

Our mission is to build a company by operators for operators, leveraging over 45 years of professional experience. We aim to assemble a team of exceptional talent dedicated to advancing the Remote/Autonomous Systems industry. By fostering a culture of outside-the-box thinking and dedication to excellence, we address the challenges of the autonomous vehicles sector, driving innovation and achieving success for our customers.

We Believe in…


Maintain a commitment to transparency, communicating needs for assistance early and often.


Always do the right thing and perform to your best, even when no one is watching.


Failure to act guarantees failure, course correct if necessary.

Bringing Solutions

Complain all you want, but have a solution and be willing to talk through it, and make compromises.

Keeping at it

Things don’t always go our way. Problems are inevitable, prepare, avoid, mitigate, and work together and overcome.

trying new things

Innovation does not occur on the path most traveled. It’s ok to get lost finding a new path.

Enjoying our work

We spend 40+ hours a week working. Enjoy it, the people, and don’t forget to laugh.

accepting the wierd

Everyone’s different, weird, and a hot mess in their own way. This brings unique perspectives and ideas.

Being the best

Anything worth doing, is worth doing well. Whole ass one thing at a time.

Success at all costs

Always deliver on the work and quality promised.

Founders of Our Mission

Michael Diehl


Jack Dougherty


Nicholas Jones
